

this is it. this is the funniest post I have ever made

2016 Greatest Hits 

Anonymous asked:

You should probably hang out with all women, and be sexual with women, and this way you can cancel men, render them useless, and avoid them entirely. Either that, or wait a couple of years until you do more work on yourself, mature, and realize what a shit you sound like. Maybe take the losses as they come and stop whining, you attract losers only if you also are a loser. Clearly, you are a loser.

LMAOOOOOOO i stopped blogging here in like 2017 and just saw this message in the year of 2023, totally incredible

me this week:

[lights seven black candles & draws a pentagram on the floor in chalk while chanting “dinosaur eats man…woman inherits the earth”]

“when men still find a way to get their trash opinions and mansplanations in
this week, when a man plays the devil’s advocate for Kavanaugh


when men still find a way to get their trash opinions and mansplanations in 

this week, when a man plays the devil’s advocate for Kavanaugh

those wild partying pot smokers

those wild partying pot smokers 

i’m running out of ways for this blog to be funny.

I went on a date with a (tall, white, cis-het) man who doesn’t lock his apartment door. In New York City. 

Mind you, while I didn’t see this apartment for myself, it was described, in summary, as 1. expensive 2. in a really nice neighborhood 3. equipped with a doorman (or some other type of security situation). Still, it’s New York, and other people live in that building. But this man has zero reservations about leaving it open day in and day out because presumably, in his entire scope of almost 40 years of life experiences, nothing has happened to him that gives him even the slightest twinge of fear or hesitancy about being physically vulnerable to other people. 

This blew my fucking mind.

this summer in “I am running out of reasons to keep doing this to myself”: 

1. I had a minor altercation with a partner of over a year that ended with him grabbing  me by the hair and yanking my head back so forcefully I was in pain for 2 days. He justified this by saying that I “don’t listen when [he] expresses boundaries,” with zero explanation of what said boundaries were or how that might explain his instinct to physically harm me. When I called him out on this, he responded by simply unfollowing me on social media. We never spoke again.

2. I had to defend using condoms with a brand new partner, who acted like a petulant brat in the moment and, when I broke it off, tried to pseudo-intellectualize a framing of the situation in which I was hypocritical for wanting to use condoms in our particular context but not in other contexts. 

Cishet male readers, particularly the white ones, what is it like? What is it like to be this comfortable in the world that you are free to make demands, take up space, and be completely unafraid of consequences for your words and actions? And to have the option to run away like a coward from anyone that remotely holds you accountable for them? What is it like to know that another person is choosing to be completely vulnerable with you and then still have an instinct to take

and take

and take 

and take

and take?

and be entitled to 


and more 

and more?

What is that like? What is it like to have so much more power that you are shocked when someone challenges you in even the most minor, insignificant of ways? To not have to pick your battles because you don’t have an instinct to de-escalate aggression and conflict due to an inherent fear of violence and retribution? What is it like leaving your door unlocked? 




men are cancelled. 

no but really. men are not renewed for a seventh season. y’all shouldn’t have had a sixth season. in fact, y’all are True Blood and should never have had a third, fourth, or fifth season.

y’all are the L subway train in 2019 and any connecting flight in Miami or Fyre Festival by night two. CANCELLED.

men are cancelled.